happiness by building a remarkable life.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Why should you cast YOUR VOTE ?

This is not my suggestion, this is something that was shared to me by someone who knows a lot better than me from IISc.

Most of us, including me, don't want to vote. The reason is that we don't like politicians, and not one of the options that are in front of us looks like a good one to us.  So, we don't cast our vote. The result is, casting of vote is done by less than 60 percent of people in every election. Let's see what happens then...

Lets say there are 100 voters in a constituency and 60 cast their vote and 5 candidates are there. The result is 40% vote by the winner, 20% for two of them, and 10% each for the other two. Then, lets see the numbers, not percentage.

40% of 60 equals 24.
20% of 60 equals 12
and 10% equals 6
So, 24 +12+12+6+6=60.

That means out of 100 people 24 people voted for the one selected as the MLA/MP of the constituency. That is just 24% of people.
For the love of God, are you friggin kidding me ??

No, not at all. No one is f***ing with the stats. If you can read english, I can sincerely hope that you can do this calculation yourself. So, the so called majority is the support of just 24% of people. If you do this calculation with the candidates of your own constituency, the result may come down to 11-12%.

So, think about it. The people sitting at LokSabha, VidhanSabha are not the people supported by majority. They are simply there because of the laziness of people like us, you and me.. because we were too damn lazy.


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